Global Women's Big Day - March 31, 2020 SUCCESS!
Due to the 2020 worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, the Champions of the Flyway birding competition in Eilat, Israel has been drastically reduced including limiting the travel of many of the non-Israeli competitors. This competition seeks to bring people from around the world to race across Israel in search of birds AND raises funds for conservation projects, in 2020 the project is to protect and conserve Steppe Eagles in their breeding range of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
Since not all the Women in Steppe teammates can travel to Israel, we have decided to race where we are and see how many birds women can find worldwide. In addition to fundraising for the Steppe Eagle, the Women in Steppe seek to rise up and support women birders. Our team comes from around the world: Alen is from Trinidad and has also lived in the US and Israel, Lidiya is from Uzbekistan and currently in Israel, Amy is from Texas and also lived in Panama, Lisa has lived around the US and currently in Boston, and Hannah is representing Oregon is in the race. But there are many places AND amazing women birders in those places.
On March 31st, 2020 we had hundreds of women from around the world join us for a big day of birding in solidarity. Check out the infographic for more, see the map of where people birded, and sign-up if you want to be on the list for next year!